Wednesday, December 14, 2011


As a business major, I walked into this class to complete a requirement. I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to get out of the class. I wondered how the class help me in the long term? By the second week though, I realized I was starting to become interested in what was being discussed in class. It was a personal transition that I was going through. The way I perceive a concept was starting to change.
I am more accostumed to numbers, business trends and organizational behaviors. It was hard to work with art which is not confined or defined. It was an alien feeling to think about aesthetics, colors and the emotions they are meant to evoke. My world is about the finite, the discrete, the dicotomy of yes and no, the binary of 0 and 1. Initially, I could not make the transition to the world of if's and maybe's. I was not able to decipher the purpose of the paintings.
However, as the class progressed, I became more and more comfortable with the idea Art. I tried to put myself in the shoes of the artist. I thought, 'someone spent their time and effort creating this, why?', 'What were they thinking?', 'How did they feel?'. Some of their thoughts and emotions are common to all us, to me. I started to relate to the Art, through the artist. This made the Art real to me. It forced me to piece the puzzle together to uncover what the artist tried to express.
This ability to mentally switch gears was an added bonus that I did not intend on getting out of this class. I learned to take my time and look at the big picture, (pun intended). I now attack the numbers, business trends and organizational behaviors with a different pair of eyes. Eyes that look at people for who they are as well as what they bring to the table. For this, I am grateful for the opportunity to take this class. Thank you.

-Priya Diana Kichenamourty

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